Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lone Star

Leoni & mom left for the US on June 27th. Travis had work through the 2nd of July, but we decided to go a few days earlier to take advantage of slightly cheaper airfare and have a little stop in Texas to visit Tracy. It seemed like a fantastic idea wen we were planning it, however, I failed to take into account that I would be traveling alone with a 14 month old who is busy, busy, busy.

After waking Leoni up at 11:30pm on June 26th (in order to catch our 2:30am flight), we traveled through Munich, New Jersey, and landed in Houston at 6:15pm June 27th. It doesn't sound that bad, but don't forget that would be 2:15am June 28th in Doha, so Leoni and I had been "traveling" for almost 27 hours. She only slept the last 3 hours on the plane.

Gratefully, Tracy arrived at the airport with car seat installed in her Mini Cooper and we were able to get off to our hotel fairly quickly. We stayed for a day and a half, but being jet-lagged, I don't remember a whole lot. It was nice to get some sleep before taking the final leg of travel to Las Vegas. Due to the jet-lag, there are not many pictures.

Texas waffles

Enjoying the waffles & bananas

Someone taught Leoni about something previously undiscovered--toilet paper

1 comment:

  1. Other highlights:

    - Leoni likes Chanel Cologne. (At least the taste of it.)
    - Children and leashes are not a bad thing. Leoni couldn't do all the walking around she wanted to because she (was) too dang short to hold hands.
