We finally made it to the horse races. They are held quite often, and remember we are in "Arabia" so thoroughbred "Arabian horses." The day we happened to go was the Heir Apparent Sword race (or something like that). It was a prestigious race, nonetheless.
The races are completely free to everyone, so there are a lot of workers who come for a little free entertainment. Everyone also receives a coupon booklet when you enter that is for a type of raffle. They don't gamble, so instead, they have a raffle with prizes to fill that anticipation. I think this may be another reason a lot of workers attend, hoping to win big. Being a big race, it was quite full.
So, there are a lot of pictures in this post because I found some things interesting, sorry if you don't.
Foreign media guy filming the race right near us. Check out his very European fashion.

Leoni checking out his fashion choices

And being slightly confused by it

Before the race, the various teams of jockeys (I am guessing they are teams because they all had the same uniforms) met together maybe with their owners?

The horses were brought out and walked by the crowd by these handlers before they were taken down to the starting line

Horses headed out to the starting line far to the right

And they're off

The finish

Talk and congratulations

I am guessing this is the Heir Apparent (Emir's eldest son and next in line). If not, he is some other royal who was there for the presentation of the sword

Waiting to congratulate the winner--and texting

Then a call

Here come the jockeys

The winner and his boss

All the while, armed guards were stationed throughout the crowd

On the way out, we stopped by to see some horses