Like most families in Doha, we try to jump at the chance for any form of entertainment that comes to Doha. This week, the "Floating Bookfair" is in town. The Logos Hope docked and offering over 5,000 titles, so we decided to go and check it out. English language books are hard to come by here, and those available are quite expensive. We were not over the moon with the selections, as most were pretty generic titles, but overall, we still had a fun outing, especially because we went early enough to beat the HUGE crowds and long lines that were waiting when we were leaving. We particularly thought it interesting that it is run by a Christian organization with a missionary element on board, but I am sure due to Qatar being a Muslim country, they were fairly silent regarding the matter (other than the LARGE walk through with Bible stories to get to the check-out counter.) To read more, go here, here, and here.
Logos Hope

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